Latest Issue:
February 2025
Available in Hook from
Hartletts Café, Tesco, Sainsbury's,
The Post Office and
St Michaels Hospice Shop
Copy Deadline
for March issue:
Wednesday 12th February
February 2025
Available in Hook from
Hartletts Café, Tesco, Sainsbury's,
The Post Office and
St Michaels Hospice Shop
Copy Deadline
for March issue:
Wednesday 12th February
Welcome to Hook Focus Village Magazine
Hook Focus is Hook in North East Hampshire’s authoritative magazine and since 1973 it has carried news of future Community Events and reports on all that has been happening in Hook. Focus is managed by Hook volunteers and is independent of all other bodies. The magazine contains news and reports contributed by local organisations. such as Schools Parents Associations, sports clubs, Churches, leisure activities for all ages from babies to pensioners, the Parish, District and County Councils and youth facilities to name but a few. Advertisements by local businesses are particularly helpful to those moving to Hook.
Our team of volunteer distributors deliver monthly (except August) to 1,200 homes and we believe that, as a result of copies being passed on to family members, Focus is read in 2,000 of Hook’s 3,000 homes. In addition the magazine is available from Tesco, the Post Office and the St MIchael's Hospice in the Hook shopping area, Sainsbury’s and Hartletts Cafe.
To secure your copy of Focus, go to the Subscriptions page for full information.
Our team of volunteer distributors deliver monthly (except August) to 1,200 homes and we believe that, as a result of copies being passed on to family members, Focus is read in 2,000 of Hook’s 3,000 homes. In addition the magazine is available from Tesco, the Post Office and the St MIchael's Hospice in the Hook shopping area, Sainsbury’s and Hartletts Cafe.
To secure your copy of Focus, go to the Subscriptions page for full information.
Hook Business Advertising
Our business advertising space for the Focus year, April 2024 to March 2025, is now on sale. Hook Focus, which is produced and distributed by volunteers, relies heavily on the revenue from our business advertising, so please support Focus by advertising your business with us.
Hook Focus is a community orientated magazine providing a wide variety of articles and information every month covering the many facets of village life providing a great opportunity for local businesses to advertise their services.
Our new advertising year begins in April, this year we have new advertising opportunities; advertising will also be available for shorter periods of 3 month and 6 month terms as well as the usual full year and more space for those who wish to advertise in colour. In addition, there is also the exciting future prospect of this magazine reaching many more households by being available online. With this in mind, to meet our increased costs, there will be a small rise in the advertising rates. Our advertising rates have not increased for several years and so, even with the small rise, our rates will still be highly competitive. Our rates for 2024/2025 are as follows:
Black & White Adverts from April 23
3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
6 x 6cm £30 £60 £100
6 x 12cm £60 £120 £200
1/4 page £90 £180 £300
1/2 page £180 £360 £600
Charges for colour adverts are double
All charges are subject to change from April 2025
To discuss your advertising requirements for the coming year, please contact our Advertising Manager, Sandra Tidy by telephone or text on 07846 848830 or by email at [email protected].
Hook Focus is a community orientated magazine providing a wide variety of articles and information every month covering the many facets of village life providing a great opportunity for local businesses to advertise their services.
Our new advertising year begins in April, this year we have new advertising opportunities; advertising will also be available for shorter periods of 3 month and 6 month terms as well as the usual full year and more space for those who wish to advertise in colour. In addition, there is also the exciting future prospect of this magazine reaching many more households by being available online. With this in mind, to meet our increased costs, there will be a small rise in the advertising rates. Our advertising rates have not increased for several years and so, even with the small rise, our rates will still be highly competitive. Our rates for 2024/2025 are as follows:
Black & White Adverts from April 23
3 Months 6 Months 1 Year
6 x 6cm £30 £60 £100
6 x 12cm £60 £120 £200
1/4 page £90 £180 £300
1/2 page £180 £360 £600
Charges for colour adverts are double
All charges are subject to change from April 2025
To discuss your advertising requirements for the coming year, please contact our Advertising Manager, Sandra Tidy by telephone or text on 07846 848830 or by email at [email protected].