Hook Focus covers are usually used to highlight the many and varied organisations within the Hook community and we welcome requests for our covers from any non commercial village organisation. The following criteria and points apply when applying for a Focus cover:
- Your front cover can be used to promote a specific event or your organisation in general
- An application for a cover may be made up to 12 months in advance
- Only basic contact and subject matter details are required to request a front cover
- You do not need to be, or have access to, a graphic designer to have a successful Hook Focus front cover. We are very happy to help without charge
- All Hook Focus covers are free of charge.
Information on how to request a Focus Cover and what is required
- Quality is important to us, and we therefore do not accept clip art for front covers.
- The artwork should be no more than A4 in size and be portrait in orientation.
- You will be asked to provide an article to go inside Hook Focus to supplement your cover. This is your opportunity to tell Hook more! It can also include additional photographs (although these will be in black and white).
- If your artwork includes the image of any child(ren), you must be able to provide us with written parental consent. Without such consent we cannot use the image either on the cover or inside Hook Focus. We will provide you with a pro forma parental consent for completion and return to us.
- A cover request does NOT guarantee a cover.
- Whilst you should have an idea as to how you would like your front cover to look at the time of your request, please do NOT compile your front cover / artwork and article until you have been advised that your application is successful.
How do I request a Focus Cover and what happens next?
- Hook Focus front covers may be requested by any non commercial village organisations
- The details required to register an interest in any particular cover are relatively painless and straightforward, and are available on request. See below.
- All Hook Focus front cover requests must be sent by e-mail to this address
- All cover requests will be acknowledged giving you an approximate date by which you can next expect to hear from us
- The editors will review all requests, for each month, 3 months prior to the publication of the issue concerned. Allocation of the front covers will be entirely at the editors’ discretion
- Following the editors’ decision (which is final) all applicants for that particular cover will be notified
- The successful applicant will be given a date by which time we will need to have received both the artwork and article, this is generally 2 months prior to the cover date. For example the artwork and article for April’s cover would be required by mid February.
If my request is successful, what do I need to do?
- Provide your artwork / photograph free from any text and as close to its original form as possible. For example, if you artwork is a digital photograph, send us the computer file, not a print
- Submit your text for the front cover separately from the artwork
- Keep your text to a minimum on the cover, too much text and it will look cluttered and loose impact
- If you have a logo, provide us with a good copy of it
- Remember that we do not accept clip art for front covers
- The artwork should be no more than A4 in size and be portrait in orientation
- Submit both your artwork and article by the given date, if this will cause you problems; let us know as soon as possible
- If you need help to ‘design’ your cover, let us know, we are very happy to help and a number of our very successful covers have started life as nothing more than an ordinary photograph
- Arrange any parental consents as soon as possible
- We will then work closely with you to achieve the best Hook Focus cover for both your organisation and Hook Focus.
If my request is not successful, is there anything I can do?
- The editors’ decision regarding the allocation of all covers is final and they will not enter into any correspondence regarding the allocation.
- However, just because your request did not secure a particular Hook Focus front cover, it does not mean that you cannot apply for another cover
- Should your request fail, you can still provide an article to go inside Hook Focus to promote either your organisation (non commercial only) or your event and this may include photographs